
LilyBukkit-Core is the server software that implements the LilyBukkit API.


Latest release (Lilypad QA): Alpha, Changelog
Older versions


  1. Create a separate folder and put the JAR in it.
  2. (optional) Create a startup script, start.bat (, if you're on Linux). Put the following command in it: java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar LilyBukkit-aX.X.X.X.jar --nogui, where X.X.X.X is the release you're using
    1. Xms1G - this parameter controls the minimum amount of RAM, which would be allocated to your server. Change the G to M, if you want to specify the size in Megabytes.
    2. Xmx1G - this parameter controls the maximum amount of RAM, that could be allocated to your server. Change the G to M, if you want to specify the size in Megabytes.
    3. nogui - this parameter disables the GUI frontend of the server. If you want to use that, simply delete this parameter.
  3. If you didn't create a startup script, open the command line (or the terminal in Linux) in the created folder and use the same command to start the server.
  4. After the server outputted [INFO] Done! For help, type "help" or "?", close the server using the command stop
  5. Go to and configure the server for your needs. See this wiki page on for more info.
  6. After editing, edit bukkit.yml if you want to make any additional changes.
  7. Now you can install Bukkit plugins, but be warned that they might not work flawlessly as the API was changed quite a bit.


LilyBukkit-API is a fork of Bukkit API for AlphaVer Minecraft versions.


Latest release (Lilypad QA): 1.1.2, Sources, Changelog
Older versions


X.X.X stands for the release you're using.


Add the following code to your pom.xml:


Add the following code to your build.gradle:
dependencies {
    implementation files('/relative/path/to/lilybukkit-X.X.X.jar')